Tuesday, October 11, 2011

laurene jobs divorce

laurene jobs divorce
Laurene Powell, 8 years younger than Steve Jobs, has a degree in Arts from the University of Pennsylvania and she also had a degree in economic sciences.

She got her MBA in 1991, at Stanford, where she also met Steve Jobs. Being a very good public speaker, Jobs was invited to talk about entrepreneurship to a group of Standard students. It was there where Steve Jobs attracted the attention of Laurene Powell.

After he finished his speech, Steve Jobs stepped outside as he had to go to a business meeting. ” I was in the parking lot and i thought” If this is my last night on this earth, would I spend it at a business meeting or with this woman? So i went to her and asked if she wants to go to dinner with me” Steve Jobs said in an interview a few years later.
laurene jobs divorce
laurene jobs divorce
laurene jobs divorce

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